Many attendees of the faculty’s 50th anniversary open day made the trip up to the School of Optometry & Vision Science to see our research and our clinical teaching. We offered six stations on our tour (with live and interactive displays proving particularly attractive to visitors!) Two stations showed how modern gaming technology can be used to create faster and more accurate methods of measuring how well we see. Virtual reality and eye movement tracking systems are starting to facilitate clinical measurements of the vision of people who find communication difficult. People attending the live eye-anatomy demonstrations were fascinated to see how the layer of tears covering our eyes traps dust and has an oily layer to stop evaporation, and how new scanning systems allow us to see the anatomy of the retina at resolutions undreamt of only ten years ago.
Check out the photo gallery and video highlights and keep an eye out for our Lecture Series, kicking off with 50 Years of Training the Health Workforce in Auckland.