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Read about the latest advancements at the School of Optometry and Vision Science

Dear Colleagues

Welcome to the eighth issue of the SOVS newsletter for 2018.

First, a variety of congratulations – to Lisa Hamm and Zaria Burden who have recently celebrated their weddings, and (for something completely different) to Ehsan Vaghefi for receiving a prestigious MBIE grant of almost a million dollars!

We also have some staff changes to announce. We will be saying farewell to Kerryn Levy who will be moving to a new job in Engineering after three years as our Group Services Coordinator. Thank you Kerryn for all your hard work and good humour, helping to keep the School running smoothly – we wish you well in Engineering!

We welcome Sam Schwarzkopf’s intern Mathias Van der Biest from Ghent University, Belgium who will be with us for the next six months.

Finally, to those going for promotion this year – we wish you the very best of luck!

All the best,

Dr John Phillips
Acting Head of School, Optometry and Vision Science
Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences