Photo: Trialling virtual reality headset
On 14 August, around 20 members of the Rotary Newmarket club visited SOVS for a talk by Professor Steven Dakin and his laboratory on how technology can be used to improve assessment and treatment of vision.
After the talk, visitors were taken on tours to see research facilities and the Grafton optometry clinic. This included an opportunity for visitors to try out virtual reality, eye tracking, and to experience state of the art OCT imaging. Bryan McMath commented that Rotary members had “thoroughly enjoyed the visit” and that he had had “some great feedback on the presentations”.
Rotary have supported a variety of projects relating to children’s vision in the school – including ongoing development of a video game-based treatment for lazy eye. We welcome any of our supporters visiting SOVS to find out how their donations make a difference to our research and in turn how our research is impacting on the wider community.