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Message from the Head of School

Tēnā koutou katoa Welcome to the October newsletter, the first issue following our decision to switch to publication every other month. This issue we welcome Tina Gao as a newly appointed lecturer. Tina is a binocular vision specialist who has been working with Jo...
Recent publications

Recent publications

Recent publications by SoVS staff include:   Which low-dose atropine for myopia control? Clinical and Experimental Optometry Safal Khanal and John R Phillips Low-dose atropine eye drops, in concentration from 0.01 to 0.05%, are now widely used for treating myopia...
Marsden Success

Marsden Success

At the end of 2018 a group of SOVS researchers lead by Steven Dakin was successful in securing an award from the Marsden Fund to support a research project entitled ‘The cortical limit on visual acuity’. The value of this prestigious award from the New Zealand Royal...
Lectures by Professor Michael Kalloniatis

Lectures by Professor Michael Kalloniatis

We were fortunate to have Professor Michael Kalloniatis, Director of the Centre for Eye Health at the University of New South Wales and former Head of (the then) Department of Optometry and Vision Science, visiting to deliver two lectures in January 2019. Professor...